Certified Wireless IoT Solutions Administrator - CWISA

CWNP | CWISA | Certified Wireless IoT Solutions Administrator

Certified Wireless IoT Solutions Administrator - CWISA

Vendor:  CWNP

Upcoming classes: See Class Calendar

Class Overview

This official Certified Wireless IoT Solutions Administrator , or CWISA, certification training class is an important component of CWNP’s portfolio.

It is part of a parallel track to CWNP’s wireless training certification suite, and is aimed at bridging the gap between the worlds of wireless and Internet of Things. It investigates how wireless works, from an IoT perspective, and is an excellent introduction to IoT for the wireless engineer.

This class introduces the student to IoT and is, effectively, CWNA-level training for people who want to learn more about IoT technologies. Conversely, it is a class about how wireless works from the perspective of an OT/IoT engineer. It is a comprehensive introduction into the world of IoT and discusses what a wireless engineer needs to operate it.

The student must have a working knowledge of Wireless, Cellular, and IoT technologies and is ideal for engineers who have at least 1 year of experience in this field.

The official Certified Wireless IoT Solutions Administrator (CWISA) training class covers a multitude of topics ranging from Wireless Technologies, RF Communications, to Cellular Networks, and Internet of Things (IoT).

This class provides the networking professional with a solid foundation of knowledge for advancing within the wireless IoT networking industry.

Class Details


By the end of this training, the student should be able to:
- describe Wireless Networking and Internet of Things (IoT) Technologies
- explain basic Radio Frequency Communications
- identify methods for Planning Wireless Solutions
- explain the methodology for Implementing Wireless Solutions
- describe best practices for Supporting Wireless Solutions

Prerequisite Knowledge Advisory

To be successful in this training class, the student should possess:
- an active Certified Wireless Network Administrator (CWNA) certification
- a basic understanding of Wireless Networking
- a basic understanding of Cellular Telephony Communication
- familiarity with Internet of Things

CWISA Certification Training Class Outline

Module 1: Introducing Wireless Technologies
Module 2:Introducing Wireless Technologies, cont.
Module 3: Planning Wireless Solutions
Module 4: RF Communication
Module 5: Hardware
Module 6: Cellular Networks
Module 7: Short-Range, Low-Rate, and Low-Power Networks
Module 8: Sensor Networks
Module 9: The Internet of Things (IoT)
Module 10: Securing Wireless Networks
Module 11: Troubleshooting Wireless Networks
Module 12: Programming, Scripting, and Automation

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