Wireless Network Consulting Services

NC-Expert -
Providing Wireless Network Consulting Services

NC-Expert is an experienced and trustworthy provider of wireless IT network consulting services for design, management, optimization, and troubleshooting projects across the wireless network lifecycle.

With some of our experts possessing over three decades of wireless and networking expertise, our team provides sound practical advice and guidance to help you get the most out of your network and your budget.

A man in a suit is holding a wifi symbol in his hands.

Defining Parameters

We offer services to define the optimal network to meet your needs. Whether you are planning to design on a “greenfield” site from the ground up, or whether you are on a “brownfield” site and need to update/optimize an existing infrastructure, we can provide a plan of how you can best achieve your technical and business goals.


Once your network requirement parameters have been defined, we can provide a design to meet your requirements and budgetary constraints. From predictive models, to specific configurations, to design deliverables, we provide the full service tailored to meet your needs.


We will review your design documentation and recommend the infrastructure to best meet the requirements of your design. We also provide validation services to ensure that your network actually meets your expectations. This includes test plans, results analysis, and recommendations.

Optimization and Troubleshooting

If you suspect that your network is not functioning at its best (due to delays, unexpected outages, etc.), we provide Optimization services to ensure that your network is functioning at the peak performance that your deployed technology will permit. We will provide a status report and make suggestions as to how your network infrastructure can be improved to give you enhanced service.

Or, if you are experiencing network problems, we provide services to investigate and troubleshoot the network issues. Co-ordinating with you or your in-house team, we will create a plan to resolve any issues that are discovered in order to bring your network back up to its full functionality.

We provide:

  • Expert Consultants who will use their significant experience to provide advice and guidance to ensure your system is as effective and robust as the technology will permit.

  • Evaluation of your existing infrastructure and requirements, and recommendations for aligning them with your current and anticipated future needs.

  • Expert advice with regards to technological capacity, with a specific focus on guidelines, regulatory requirements, and future requirement projection.

  • Professional reports which clearly outline requirements, a summary of evidence gained from site surveys, change recommendations to enable full provision of the client’s technological obligations, and advice to ensure that your team fully understands the significance of any discovered issues.

Contact us today,
to see what we can do for YOU!

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